Adam Buckley (He/Him) is a current editor at Halftone Magazine. He’s a Junior Writing Arts major with a concentration in Creative Writing. He is also the Senior Editor at Avant Literary Magazine, Rowan’s undergraduate literary publication. A self-described “pop culture junkie,” Adam is an avid follower of the biggest things hitting television, movies, comics and music. He’s hoping to bring his hobbies and interests to more people, and more people to Halftone.

Adam Buckley


Dillon Hampton (he/him) is in his junior year majoring in Writing Arts and minoring in Creative Writing. He is a writer for Halftone Magazine and a member of Rowan’s Avant Literary Magazine. While he was previously a poet, he has now taken to writing fiction novels and flash fiction stories. He loves stories that subvert reader expectation and combine genres in unique and interesting ways. He also really likes mystery visual novels like When the Seagulls Cry and The House in Fata Morgana.

Dillon Hampton


Jason Luther is Associate Professor of Writing Arts and currently serves as the non-spiritual advisor for Halftone. He’s been a longtime devotee of both underground and pop music — scenes that initially drew him to writing and publishing. He’s the former music director of WCVF-FM, a current zine reviewer for Broken Pencil magazine, founder of The Phono Project, and has recently published on quaranzines, vinyl fandom, and DIY culture. 

Contact Jason at Luther [at]

X: jwluther

Jason Luther

Faculty Advisor

Sophia Nigro (she/her) is a writer/editor here at Halftone. She’s currently a senior Writing Arts major with minors in Creative Writing and English, along with being in the 4+1 MA in Writing Program. She’s also the current Vice President of the Writing Arts club. Sophia is a lover of all things pop culture. Whether it’s a movie, show, or book, if she loves it, you won’t be able to stop her from yapping about it. Some of her current obsessions include cartoons, Marvel, and Sabrina Carpenter.

Sophia Nigro




Matt Berrian

Tara Grier

Jay Norton

Elisabeth Hudak

Jack Stober

Robin Doughtery

Laurel Young


Madi Cook

Tyler DiCarlo

Kelli Hughes

Gianna Forgen

Casey Wang

Ethan Gross